
Hello, Welcome to my website.

Presently, I am enrolled as a graduate student in the Department of Automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I completed my undergraduate studies in the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University. During my undergraduate years, I actively participated in numerous intelligent vehicle competitions and achieved commendable results. Looking towards the future, my aspiration lies in delving deep into the field of robotics, focusing on the integration of reinforcement learning algorithms and robot manipulation. I envision a future where robots serve as the linchpin of intelligent advancements, ushering in a universal era of intelligent robotics. Currently, my research interests encompass various areas, including but not limited to robot design, machine learning methods combined with robotics, reinforcement learning combined with robotics, and LLM coupled with robotics. I eagerly anticipate collaborating with like-minded individuals who share a common vision.

If you want learn more about me.

I am delighted to have made contact with you. My Email : mcl2019011457@sjtu.edu.cn